101. Agency and identity in the ancient Near East :


کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان‌های اروپایی (قم)

موضوع: Agent (Philosophy)-- History.,Archaeology-- Philosophy.,Identity (Psychology)-- Middle East-- History.,Imperialism-- Social aspects-- Middle East-- History.,Land settlement-- Middle East-- History.,Landscapes-- Social aspects-- Middle East-- History.,Material culture-- Middle East-- History.,Social archaeology-- Middle East.,Space (Architecture)-- Social aspects-- Middle East-- History.,Agent (Philosophy),Agent (Philosophy)-- Social aspects.,Alltag,Antiquities.,Archaeology-- Philosophy.,Archäologie.,Culture.,Identität,Identität.,Identity (Psychology),Identity (Psychology)-- Middle East-- History.,Identity politics-- Middle East-- History.,Imperialism-- Social aspects.,Land settlement-- Middle East-- History.,Land settlement.,Landscape-- Social aspects-- Middle East-- History.,Landscapes-- Social aspects.,Material culture-- Middle East-- History.,Material culture.,Sachkultur.,Social archaeology-- Middle East.,Social archaeology.,Sozialarchäologie.,Soziales Handeln,Space (Architecture)-- Social aspects.,Middle East, Antiquities.,Alter Orient,Middle East, Antiquities.,Middle East.,Naher Osten., 0, 7, 7, 7, 7

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102. Aidōs :


کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان‌های اروپایی (قم)

موضوع: Aidōs (The Greek word),Ethics in literature.,Greek literature-- History and criticism.,Honor in literature.,Psychology in literature.,Shame in literature.,Literature-- greek.,Literature-- history.,Greek literature-- History and criticism.,Aidōs (Le mot grec),Honneur dans la littérature.,Honte dans la littérature.,Littérature grecque-- Histoire et critique.,Morale dans la littérature.,Psychologie dans la littérature.,Aidos (Greek word),Aidōs (le mot grec),Aidōs (The Greek word),Eer.,Ethics in literature.,Ethics in literature.,Greek literature-- History and criticism-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Greek literature-- History and criticism-- Psychological aspects.,Greek literature.,Honneur-- Dans la littérature.,Honor in literature.,Honor in literature.,Honte-- Dans la littérature.,Literatura grega (história e crítica),Littérature grecque-- Histoire et critique.,Littérature grecque-- Thèmes, motifs.,Morale-- Dans la littérature.,Psychology in literature.,Psychology in literature.,Schaamte.,Schuld.,Shame in literature.,Shame in literature.

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